Locked In : The True Causes of Mass Incarceration―and How to Achieve Real Reform

Locked In begins with Katherine's terrifying perspective. A traumatic incident has rendered her unable to speak or move her body, but she manages to convey that her injuries were the result of a murder attempt. Nicky, her nurse, is unusually determined to uncover the truth behind what happened to Katherine.

The film employs numerous flashbacks, shifting between the present and the events leading up to Katherine's injuries. We are introduced to Lina , her adopted daughter/daughter-in-law, and we learn about the history between the two women.

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After Lina's mother passed away, Katherine took her in. Since her husband's death, Katherine has been taking care of her sickly stepson Jamie, who is set to inherit his father's wealth. Naturally, this has caused some tension in the relationship between Katherine and Lina. Enjoy All Films and TV shows Online only on Afdah.

Initially, Lina idolizes Katherine and takes on the role of Jamie's caregiver. Eventually, she reluctantly agrees to marry him.

Life at the manor is far from pleasant for poor Lina. Her mother-in-law despises her, and her husband manipulates his illness to keep her subservient. However, everything changes when Lina begins an affair with the family's GP, Robert.

The underlying mystery throughout the film is not whether Lina was involved in Katherine's unfortunate condition, but rather the extent of her involvement. From the beginning, we sense the complexity of Lina's relationship with her mother-in-law. Rose Williams does an excellent job of keeping Lina's true character ambiguous until the very end.